Tuesday, December 7, 2010

So Much For NaBloPoMo...

Obviously, I didn't make it all 30 days. You go out of town for a few days, and everything falls apart. Oh well, maybe next year! We have been pretty busy lately, which is to be expected this time of year. We picked out our Christmas tree and decorated it--pictures to come (once I re-decorate the tree). We wrote Daniel's letter to Santa, in which he asked for a train, a bike, and "some other toys". For now, here are some recent pictures.


Anonymous said...

Olivia makes some pretty awesome faces! You can tell that girl's got spunk! :)

NRougeau said...

Finally! So happy to see an update to your blog. Darling pictures!

Sounds like you have a live tree. I wouldn't have it any other way. I tried an artificial tree last year and finally concluded they're not really trees at all -- just a conglomeration of plastic and metal -- basically a huge ornament in your living room on which you hang other ornaments. Love the smell and overall feel of my live tree.

Have a very Merry Christmas!

Kathy said...

Your kids are so cute! Miss you!